Bee Product Info
Beeswax Candles
Bee Venom
How do bee products work?
Bee products heal and promote good health for many reasons: Firstly they are pure, and natural and give little or no side effects when taken. (Except if one is allergic to bee venom, then it is recommended not to do Bee Venom Therapy). Honey is so pure that it has been found in Egyptian tombs 3,000 years old and still edible! Albeit crystallized. Crystallization is a natural process of honey and to render it liquid again one has only to place the opened jar of honey in a pot that contains water and gently heat the water up, being careful not to heat above 37 Celsius, as healing enzymes in the honey may be destroyed above this temperature.
With the old adage: "You are what you eat," purity in foods that we consume is extremely important. If we look at the shelf life of foods, foods that contain lots of sunlight last longer. Fruits and vegetables will last from several days to months, while meat rots after only two or three days at best. Honey however has lasted for thousands of years! As well the bee is a solar insect. She lives by a solar rhythm. She leaves the hive at sunrise and returns at sunset. She gives directions for pollen and nectar sources to other bees ,using the sun as a point of orientation. The queen bee flies towards the sun to be fecundated by drones that can fly the highest. The sun throughout the ages has long been a symbol of the divinity. Thus to consume foods made of lots of sunlight nourishes the divine and spiritual part in us. Honey, like gold, which is the metal of the sun, does not rust or putrefy with time, hence its extremely beneficial nature to our constitution. Thus the reason for the Ancient Greeks calling honey and mead, which is honey wine; the food of the gods!
Honey is so pure that we assimilate 100% of it. Honey also helps us to assimilate other foods. Whereas most foods we eat we eliminate up to half of them. The bees extract the essential essence of the flowers: their nectar and make honey from it. This liquid gold is precious. Honeybees will visit over 2 million flowers to make 1 pound of honey and it takes a bee her entire lifetime to make 1 teaspoon of honey! Unlike some sweets such as chocolate bars that contain refined sugar, honey does not promote cravings. It is excellent for young and elderly people it gives a long sustained energy instead of a high and low energy crash like refined sugar. Hence its use by many athletes in all types of endurance sports such as mountain climbing, walking, marathon running, swimming, cycling, skating etc.
Honey and wound management
Honey is excellent for cuts, burns and wounds. In Eastern Europe during the first and second world wars a jar of honey was kept in first aid kits to help treat soldiers' wounds. When the West won the war the Red Cross brought in its chemical antibiotics and this method of wound management was used. However honey is fast coming back to Western countries and now the U.S. government is using honey to treat its soldiers wounds in Iraq.
Honey also has had astounding success with treating people with diabetic ulcer wounds so that amputations were no longer required. If you have a cut, burn or wound simply apply (non-pasteurized honey preferred as it has more healing enzymes) directly to the wound. Then cover it with a dressing. Honey can accelerate the healing, help reduce scarring, help remove dead tissue and will kept the wound moist yet sterile as honey creates hydrogen peroxide and does not allow harmful bacteria to grow in it. Best of all it is pure, natural and inexpensive with no side effects.
Honey and Infants
In the West it is recommended that infants under 1 year of age not be given honey. This is because honey may contain the botulism agent Clostridium botulinum. These bacteria, while inactive in honey, can multiply in a baby’s undeveloped digestive system.
Honey Tips
Honey is hygroscopic; it absorbs water, thus it is important to store honey with the lid on. Honey’s hygroscopicity makes it an excellent skin moisturizer. Some natural skin creams use honey for its moisturizing, healing and antibacterial properties.
For clean, moisturized sweet smelling skin, try a honey bath. Dissolve 100gr of pure natural honey in your bath water, soak for 15 minutes and towel dry.
For healthy eyes and help with prevention of cataracts wash eyes in a 2% honey solution. Use 2 gr of honey to 98 gr of pure warm spring water and gently bathe eyes in this solution.
Beeswax is produced by the honeybees wax glands it comes out in plates or flakes and is initially transparent in color. The honeybees then chew the wax and add some of their enzymes to it and then use the wax to make hexagonal cells to store honey. The wax at this point is white in color and often is used to cap the hexagonal cells laden with pure honey. This is known as honeycomb. Depending on the type of nectar that the honeybees have collected the color of the beeswax can change. If the honeybees are storing the buckwheat flower’s nectar in a cell then this dark nectar will change the color of the wax from white to dark brown. Acacia nectar can color the wax to a golden orange or brown etc. Propolis a resinous healing substance that the bees collect from flowers and tree buds can further color the beeswax.
Honeybees visit over 2 million flowers to make a single pound of honey. Thus the tiny droplets of flower nectar that they collect impregnate the hexagonal beeswax cells with a delicious natural perfume a veritable bouquet of nature’s natural scent. When the beeswax isburned as a candle it releases this wonderful natural odour into the air purifying the atmosphere. The beeswax flame is the closest there is to pure sunlight. Many spiritual traditions laud the power of the beeswax candles to drive away impure and undesirable entities. It is important to trim the wick of your beeswax candle. Beeswax candles burn purer and longer than conventional paraffin candles. Enjoy your beeswax candles these wonderful gifts from the blessed honeybee. Please do not leave burning candles unattended.
What to do if you have been stung by a bee? People in the city often mistake wasps for bees. Wasps are carnivores and often hang around public garbage cans looking for sugar from pop cans and food thrown out. Bees however are vegetarians and only go to flowers and tree buds for their food. Male bees or drones do not have stingers. Except for the queen bee if a bee stings you she will die. That is because her entrails, which include a venom sac, are pulled out when she flies away after stinging a predator. If you are stung by a bee, try and remain calm. Using your fingernail or a credit card quickly scrape out the stinger and venom sac. The venom sac keeps pulsing and injecting more venom that is why it is important to scrape it out and not pinch between your fingers the dart and venom sac, as you will only inject more venom into your body. If you or the person who is stung are allergic to bee stings, and are having an anaphylactic shock reaction, use an epi pen. In the case of an extreme reaction to the bee sting if someone is smoking nearby borrow their cigarette and after having removed the dart and venom sac burn the stung area so as to vaporize the venom and call 911. Raw honey can be put on the wound later on to help heal the cigarette burn and reduce the scarring.
What do bees use their venom for?
Bees principally use their venom against predators of the hive. Animals such as skunks who eat bees and bears that adore honey and bee larvae are among the most common bee predators in North America. Less known is the amazing use of bee venom to keep honey from putrefying. In the 1920’s a young Bulgarian yogi had a swarm of bees make their hive between his window and shutter of a small cabin that he was living in and used for meditation. He was able to observe the bees and due to the intoxicating odour of honey and beeswax he was able to have fantastic meditations. During his observations of the bees working he noticed that they injected a minute amount of venom into the hexagonal cell that contained uncapped honey. They then capped the cell with wax. This honey he remarked did not putrefy and was fit for human consumption. The uncapped honey would ferment. (Precisely because of this fermentation beekeepers use this uncapped honey to make mead or honey wine).
Health benefits of bee venom
In the modern world honey bee venom has found wide uses in treatment of various kind of rheumatism. BVT applies as part of an overall approach, which includes nutrition, vitamins supplements, minerals and exercises. A partial list of medical studies reported that bee venom cream was used in the following cases:
Acute and Chronic Bursitis
Ankylotic Spondylitis Deformans
Juvenile Arthritis
Lateral Epicondylitis (tennis elbow)
Poly-arthritis Deformans
Psoriatic Arthritis
Rheumatoid Arthritis
Traumatic arthritis
Bee venom therapy can be useful in both rheumatoid and osteoarthritis, helping with both pain and swelling. In the case of rheumatoid arthritis, rheumatoid nodules can lessen in size. Other connective tissue diseases such as scleroderma have been (anecdotally) helped by BVT. Even systemic inflammations not related to joints, such as ulcerative colitis or even asthma, may warrant a trial of bee venom. This is presumably due to stimulation of endogenous cortisol through the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis. Read More
How bee venom helps with arthritis
When people have arthritis it is painful because the joints rub together and form grit. This grit between the joints needs to be washed away and one of the ways is to use bee venom because bee venom contains mellitin a chemical that dilates the blood vessels and gets blood flowing. So by stinging the arthritic areas or using a bee venom cream, bee venom with the chemical mellitin is transferred to the area and increases blood flow thereby washing away the arthritic grit between the joints. Motility although painful is also recommended for arthritic people as movement gets blood flowing.
The bee venom cream* that we recommend is Venex because it was obtained without killing the bees. Apply topically 1 gram and massage for 5-10 minutes into the affected area. Keep away from eyes and nasal areas. Read instructions before use.

Royal Jelly
Health is wealth! Good health is the basis of all our other acquisitions! One way to improve our health is with apitherapy, which is healing with bee products. Ancient wisdom from many different cultures and faiths have long extolled the health and healing properties of the honeybee and her hive products. Scientific studies verify this ancient wisdom. (You can read more here.)
Propolis is a resinous substance collected by the bees from tree buds sap flows and other botanical sources. Among other things it is used by the bees to keep the hive hygienic. Bees are the only insects having been found to be bacteria free, due to the actions of propolis. Hippocrates, the father of medicine knew about the healing benefits of propolis 2,500 years ago.
Propolis was used by the Egyptians, along with honey, to embalm and mummify the deceased, precisely because of its immortal qualities. When a predator such as a mouse or lizard enters the hive, the bees will sting this intruder to death and then because they cannot physically carry the carcass out of the hive they will instead seal it in propolis, essentially mummifying it and making it odourless and harmless. Thus preserving the hive from disease and infection.
Chemical Composition
Once again as in the case of nectar collection the bees who are solar insects collect the essential sap from trees and flowers and then add their own enzymes to make propolis. Because of its botanical source propolis contains a high degree of condensed sunlight. This “distilled” sunlight that propolis contains is very healing. Modern science has also found propolis to contain many flavonoids and anti-oxidants, which are excellent for one’s health as they combat the free radicals that are one of the causes of cancer. .
Frequently called “Nature’s Penicillin” propolis is a natural antibiotic. It is good for the prevention of colds and reinforces our immune system without side effects. Propolis as well is antiviral, antifungal and antibacterial.
Researchers have identified over 180 compounds in propolis with many being biologically active. Flavonoids are abundant, counting over 38, including apigenin, galangin, kaempferol, luteolin, pinocembrin, pinostrobin and quercitin, which all have anti- . inflammatory, spasmolytic, antiallergenic, antioxidant, antimutagenic, antibiotic, antifungal, antiviral, and/or antibacterial properties.
Propolis is rich in minerals, B vitamins and antibiotics and works to raise the body's natural resistance bystimulatlng it to produce its own disease fighting defenses. Propolis contains all the known vitamins except for Vitamin K.
Of all the fourteen minerals the human body requires for normal function, propolis contains all but one sulphur The compounds contained in propolis create a perfectly balanced food substance.
Sixteen amino acids within propolis have been identified and it has even more bioflavonoids than found in oranges. Natural acids and their derivatives as well as terpenoids are also found in propolis, which contribute to the antibiotic, antifungal and antiviral effects. Propolis is uniquely rich in the caffeic acid phenethyl ester; which in animal studies has inhibited cancer growth and reduced inflammation as effectively as drugs. This super anti-inflammatory improves the absorption of vitamin C and helps to retard bacterial and viral infections.
Propolis acts as a local anaesthetic, reduces spasms; and helps in the healing Of gastric ulcers, while, showing improvement on pulmonary functions and strengthening capillaries.Propolis is a choice ingredient in wound salves., Along with being anti-inflammatory and detoxifying, propolis stimulates new tissue and new cell growth. It promotes swift replenishing of the skin, thus aiding in the quick and aesthetic healing of abrasions and acne, and can be used as a natural alternative for iodine. This is important in promoting the quick, healing of wounds and diminishing the occurrence of scars.
Propolis has also shown positive effects in those with arthritic conditions, stiff joints, and in the regeneration of bone tissue.
Antiseptic properties make propolis an ideal nutritional supplement for the throat, mouth and gums.
Propolis comes in chunks, tinctures, and capsules. Recommended dosage is one gram per day for preventive health maintenance. (In the case of a propolis tincture 8-10 drops daily taken under the tongue.) In tincture form propolis can be applied to wounds and aid in disinfecting them and with its antibiotic activity it can keep the wound sterile and therefore help to accelerate healing.
[1]References: The Miracle of Propolis by M. Vosnjak; Propolis: Nature's Energizer by Carlson Wade; Propolis Medical Data by The Propolis Information Bureau; Bee Products: Medicine From The Hive by C. Leigh Broadhurst, Ph.D., Nutrition
Royal Jelly
Royal Jelly is a milky white substance secreted from the hypopharyngeal glands of the nurse bees. It is feed to young worker bee larvae for 3 days of their existence under which they undergo a tremendous growth spurt, however the resulting bees live only 7-8 weeks long. On the other hand the Queen bee is feed royal jelly for her entire life and because of this sublime food: her body is a third larger than the average bee, she is extremely fertile, laying up to 2,000 eggs a day and she can live up to seven years! Royal jelly is one of the only genetically transformational foods found in Nature. It transforms a worker bee egg into a queen bee!
Royal Jelly is available in capsules and fresh frozen. The recommended preventive health maintenance dosage is 1 4 grams per day or approximately a ¼ teaspoon – full teaspoon. Higher doses up to 3–5 grams per day can be taken. Because it gives lots of energy it is not recommended to take royal jelly in the evening as one might get insomnia from too much energy.
Royal Jelly is extremely precious. It is harvested by making artificial queen cells, which the worker bees then fill with royal jelly. A tiny vacuum is used to suck the royal jelly out of the queen cells and then it is kept cool.
Composition of Royal Jelly
The health enhancing nutrition comprised in this wonderful nutrient dense supplement includes a treasure house of over 48 live nutrients:
Pantothenic Acid, a B vitamin that is a proven stress reducer.
Plentiful amounts of the other B vitamins, especially BI, B2, B3, B6, BI2, biotin, folic acid and inositol. An ample supply of vitamins A, C, 0, and E.
The minerals calcium, copper, iron, phosphorus, potassium, silicon, and sulphur.
Acetylcholine, a compound that nerve cells need to function properly. Scientists believe deficiencies of this substance make people prone to illnesses such as Alzheimers disease.
Protein in the form of the eight amino acids required by humans, as well as 10 others.
Antibiotic and antibacterial properties. It also contains a compound that stimulates the sex glands and behaves like a natural hormone, say researchers.
Royal Jelly and Immunity
Royal Jelly contains amino and gamma globulin, which helps your immune system fight infections. Royal Jelly also contains elements needed to transmit nerve messages. Researchers report royal jelly works like a strong antibiotic it kills all sorts of bacteria and microbes.
Royal jelly has been demonstrated to possess numerous functional properties such as antibacterial activity, anti-inflammatory activity, vasodilative and hypotensive activities, disinfectant action, antioxidant activity, antihypercholesterolemic activity, and antitumor activity.
Royal jelly improves fertility.
faster conception for women and even boosting potency for men.
Royal Jelly and Skin
Royal jelly is famous for it’s strong antibacterial activity. It reverses the skin aging process, that is why royal jelly is often used in skin cosmetics. Royal jelly has lots of natural gelatine in it which promotes the growth of collagen. Our skin is mostly made of collagen so this is one of the reasons royal jelly keeps the skin youthful and elastic. You’ll find royal jelly in many facial and all other things used for helping problematic skin, full of acne, pimples etc. Elatin is also found in royal jelly. Therefore it is believed royal jelly to be a powerful anti-aging super food that helps you to promote youthfulness and health.
Journal of Food Science, Published Online: 21 Oct 2008
Caution: Bee products may cause allergic reactions in some people.
FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES ONLY. Consult Physician as needed.
One of the foods that the bee nourishes herself with is pollen. Essentially there are two types of pollen. A sticky pollen the one that the bees collect from the stamen, which is the male part of flowers and an airborne pollen the one that people are usually allergic to. When collecting sticky pollen, a minute amount of airborne pollen is attached. By ingesting the bee pollen minute amounts of the airborne pollen are ingested as well. This is why bee pollen can be good for people who have airborne pollen allergies. This then works like a vaccine giving the person an eventual immunity to the airborne pollen that they can be allergic too. This line of healing reasoning is similar to a homeopathic remedy where a minute amount of the thing that a person is ill with is used to heal them. For the bee pollen to be effective against allergies it is important that one purchase local bee pollen, because the local bee pollens will contain minute amounts of the airborne pollens from the plants that people are allergic to.
The solar nature of plants that transform sunlight to grow themselves is reflected in the healing composition of bee pollen. The sun gives us light, life and warmth, essentials for us to exist. Bee pollen has been called vegetal gold because of its ultimate solar nature and it too, like the sun, gives us life, health and strength.
In the Ying and Yang of Chinese Medicine, bee pollen represents the Yang or masculine energy. As humans, we have both the masculine and feminine principles. In our physical bodies we incarnate as either one or the other. But we constantly use one principle or the other. When we speak, for example we are emissive or masculine and when we listen we are receptive or feminine, etc. Thus both principles regardless of the gender that we are physically are equally important to us. Hence, bee pollen, while representing predominately masculine qualities and strengthening the masculine qualities in us, is good for both men and women.
Scientific analysis of bee pollen has shown it to be a super food. “It contains over 180 known nutritional ingredients including at least 22 amino acids, 18 vitamins, 25 minerals, 59 trace elements, 11 enzymes or co-enzymes, 14 fatty acids, 11 carbohydrates and approximately 25% protein. Bee pollen is extremely rich in carotenes, which are metabolic precursors of vitamin A. It is also high in B complex and vitamins C, D, E, and Lecithin.” (Bee Products: Medicine From the Hive by C. Leigh Broadhurst Ph.D)
There are 22 basic elements in the human body. Enzymes, hormones, vitamins, amino acids and others which must be renewed by nutrient intake. No one food contains them all except bee pollen!
Dr. Maurice Hanssen, British researcher says: “Pollen should be part of the ideal ‘athletes diet’, a diet pattern which produces maximum performance with no harmful side effects. Pollen is rich in micro-elements that may not be present in the normal diet. The prescription of pollen allows the trace elements to be incorporated in the body without excessive loss.”
Dr. Howard H. Hillman, Director, Lee Foundation for Nutrional research says: “Virgil, Hippocrates and Pliny all considered pollen to contain the secret against old age”.
It is very important to start taking bee pollen slowly. Bee products may cause allergic reactions in some people. If you have never taken bee pollen before, start by putting a couple granules under your tongue to test for sensitivity (itching, sneezing, slight rash, swelling). If allergic reaction occurs, consult your nutritionist. It is possible to try a capsule form to bypass the mucous membranes. If the reaction is tolerable, continue with just a couple granules every day until no reaction occurs and then slowly increase intake. If no reaction occurs, start with 3 granules, increasing by 2 grains every few days until reach 1/2 teaspoon daily. Gradually increase to 1 to 2 tsp. or more. For best absorbency of inner nutrients, chew granules to break outer granule cell wall. An adult's normal daily intake is between a teaspoon and above based on individual metabolism.” (Bee Products: Medicine From the Hive by C. Leigh Broadhurst Ph.D)