The Sacred Bee Film Series (Parts 1 to 4)
The Sacred Bee film series is a 4-part series that gently unites the world's major faiths through the paradigm of the honeybee. What does the honeybee do? It takes the essence from each flower. We visit each major world religion such as: Islam, Christianity, Judaism, Buddhism, Hinduism and also the esoteric or hidden wisdom tradition that explains the honeybees’ association with speech, for example, our modern spelling bee where mastery of speech is encouraged, and using the model of the honeybee, take the essential from it; its qualities and virtues. How does one know what a faith's hallmark qualities and virtues are? Whatever was said about the honeybees or her products of the hive, in that spiritual tradition, is like a mirror. Upon analysis it reflects those major qualities. Further we go on to say that the honeybees are the model adherents of each faith symbolically.
Part 1 (completed in 2012) explains the importance of a sacred attitude, why bother having one, the importance of honeybees and the fascinating mirror analogy of honeybees in the Judaic, Christian and Buddhist faiths where they are also shown to be the model adherents of each faith symbolically. Part 1 is available for single viewings or purchase.
Part 2 (in production) features the honeybees in the Hindu, Islamic and esoteric or hidden tradition.
Part 3 (pre-production) Compares our democratic society with the honeybee society.
Part 4 (pre-production) Extols the health benefits of the various products of the beehive in what is know as Apitherapy or the ancient branch of beekeeping to do with healing with honeybee products.
Artwork from The Sacred Bee film series is on display at the producer’s store: The Bee Shop at 1340 Bloor St. West, Toronto, ON M6H 1P2.
Screening visits of Part 1 for high school, university, college, yoga groups etc. are available see details and pricing below.

The Sacred Bee Highschool Field Trip Opportunity
You can book a class visit or call on (416) 533-2337 to arrange the booking date.
Location: Rear conference room of The Bee Shop 1340 Bloor St West, Toronto, ON M6H 1P2
(416) 533-2337
This 2-hour workshop features a 58 minutes screening of Part 1 of The Sacred Bee film series, a 30-minute meal that features unique epicusine (food prepared with honeybee products) as well as the food and drink from the 3 different spiritual traditions visited in Part 1 of The Sacred Bee film. 15 minutes of Q & A directly with the producer and creator of the film series. It closes with a 15-minute tour of The Bee Shop which features the uniquely commissioned art from The Sacred Bee film series.
Not to be missed. This unique, original and essential opportunity to learn about a useful, practical and realistic unifying spiritual paradigm is a must for any and all teachers, professors, pedagogues, professionals in the field of spirituality, religion, theology, chaplaincy, psychology, philosophy, world religions, any of the 5 major faiths, environmentalists, spiritual artists etc.
This workshop shall be lead and guided by the producer of The Sacred Bee film series: Oliver Couto C.E.T. BA Hons. Beekeeper and Beekeeping Instructor.
Cost: special subsidized educational price is $65 + tax per person. (Minimum booking size is 10 persons)
Space is limited to maximum 45 participants per session.
To book and reserve your space please call The Bee Shop at
(416) 533-2337 or register online at